Monday, July 30, 2012

What is beauty?

One day we talked about beauty at our spoken English class. We discussed and debated with each other. But the answers of us are all reasonable. We can’t tell who is completely right or wrong. Because that we each have a different definition of beauty.

At the beginning of our class, our foreigner teacher showed us three pictures. One was a woman wearing a gorgeous Victorian gown, who just won the title of Miss World. Undoubtedly, she was young, elegant and beautiful. Another one was a scenery photo. We could see the clear sky, the broad ocean, the light blue, a small wooden boat and a little girl. All of these are as clear as crystal. This was also a beautiful wonderland giving us wonderful feelings and imaginations, cleaning our hearts and making us lost in the fantasy. The last one was mother Teresa. She was smiling gently to a baby in her arms. She was old but her eyes were shinning like stars and she looked so beautiful because of love and respect for life.

Those mentioned above are different kinds of beauty: The beauty of appearance, the beauty of feeling and the beauty of soul. They are all important indeed. But which one on earth can lead us to a happy and valuable life? Which one is an integral part of our life?

Nowadays, many young girls are paying more attention to appearance. They go on a diet to lose weight or to keep a perfect figure. They spent much time picking out fashionable clothes to be radiant. They are more likely to choose a pair of delicate and quality contact lens from or other on-line stores in order to avoid covering in their beautiful eyes. To some degree, making yourself beautiful is a kind of respect for others and can leave a good impression on them. However, except for appearance, there are still many beautiful things around us and they will last longer.

The kindness or love is a kind of beauty. We can get utmost happiness from both giving and receiving love. A right attitude towards life is a kind of beauty. If we are optimistic, positive and grateful for all that we own, we can lead a happy life and bring good moods to others. Family and friendship is a kind of beauty. We can express our feelings freely and feel that we are supported and understood all the time. Freedom is a kind of beauty. We can do whatever we want and insist on our own ideals following our hearts. Imagination is a kind of beauty. We can fly to many places we are looking forward to just like children.

The beauty coming from the soul will never disappear. We should try to take them along with us during the journey of life and create a beautiful life.

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